יום חמישי, 31 במרץ 2011

Italy Doesn?t Want The Jersey Shore Cast

Italy Doesn?t Want The Jersey Shore Cast

In case you haven?t heard ? the fourth season of MTV?s Jersey Shore is set to start shooting it?s fourth season in Italy pretty soon but it looks like Snooki, The Situation and the rest of the cast are already getting a frosty reception from the locals.

The show only started airing in Italy yesterday and it has already received a ton of backlash because of how the guidos and guidettes and represent a bad stereotype of Italians. One writer says ?they embody the worst stereotypes of Italians, multiplied by thousands and Americanized.?

One person even went as far to say ?when I see this, I wonder whether Osama Bin Laden had a point.? Obviously he is taking it a bit to extreme to say that the cast make America deserving of a terrorist attack.

None of this is affecting the cast though who are looking forward to going over to Italy and partying it up, where one club owner said he will definitely let them in. I can?t say I?m surprised they?re looking forward to it though, they are making well over $10,000 an episode as well as getting a free holiday to Italy.

Do you think the Italians are right to be pissed off with the cast and not wanting them in their country or do you think they are taking it a bit too extreme with their opinions?

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