יום רביעי, 16 במרץ 2011

?The Bachelor? Men, Who?s Your Favorite?

The latest installment of the ABC series ?The Bachelor? winds down tonight and it got me wondering who is your favorite? There have been 14 men to participate in the show that has 25 women vying for their heart, I have my fave do you?

After 15 seasons of The Bachelor there is no doubt that there is a man or two who you like more than the others, we all have favorites lets be real. I will admit right off the bat that I thought it would be a very easy choice, Bachelor Bob. Boy was I wrong, as I looked over the list of guys who put their heart out there, well in some cases, I was like hold on just a minute here. I completely forgot about Aaron or either of the Andrew?s and I liked all of them.

I will tell you my pick later on but first lets take a look over the list of hunky and some not so hunky men who tried to find love on TV.

Alex Michel
Aaron Buerge
Andrew Firestone
Bob Guiney
Jesse Palmer
Byron Velvick
Charlie O?Connell
Travis Lane Stork
Prince Lorenzo Borghese
Andrew Baldwin
Brad Womack
Matt Grant
Jason Mesnick
Jake Pavelka

I could go through how things went down on each season but this isn?t that kind of article. I am not here to reiterate things to you I want you to share with me who is your favorite ?Bachelor? and why.

I told you I would share mine with you so here goes. After lots of thinking and reminiscing about each man and their seasons I went back to my initial pick which is Bachelor Bob. I know he kind of turned out to be tool but during the actually show he is was awesome, so funny, so cute and adorable how could you not love him. A close second came to Andrew Firestone, he too was pretty darn awesome. Personally the guys that were picked when the show first began are the best ones I think, other than Alex who was a total yahoo. It seems like the guys chosen in the past few seasons are complete duds. Although I would consider Jason Mesnick the exception to that rule, yeah he was a jerk to Melissa once it was all said and done but while it was filming and when he was on The Bachelorette I thought he rocked.

Ok so the question is who?s your favorite ?The Bachelor? man? Let me know your answer in the below comments section, isn?t this fun!

Photos: www.wenn.com/PNP/Nikki Nelson/Adriana M. Barraza/A. Miller/FayesVision/DJDM/J.Arbeit

Tags: The Bachelor

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