יום שלישי, 15 במרץ 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez HiltonCamille Grammer Won't Be Attending Kelsey's WeddingBlame It On The Juice! We've Got New Glee Music For You!Blake Lively To Play Another Drug Addicted Mother!SJP And Greg Kinnear On Set!First Images Released From Upcoming 3D Stop-Motion Pinocchio MovieGoldie Hawn Is One Sexy Grandma LadyNick Jonas Shines On Mr. SunshineNo More Collaborating For Her Minajesty - Unless It's Brit Brit!Eli Roth And Richard Kelly Team Up For Horror Flick!Target's Giving Policy To Change

http://perezhilton.com Perez Hilton Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:50:05 GMT http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.10 en http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:30:43 +0000 Perez Hilton Love Line Real Housewives camille grammerdaughterkelsey grammerwedding http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding camille-grammer-kelsey-wedding.jpg

We had heard that she was invited to the nuptials, but it turns out she wasn't, which is totes fine by her!

Camille Grammer has formally denied rumors that she'll be attending Kelsey Grammer's wedding to his new wife in the coming weeks. She confirmed to sources that she has no interest in being "involved with the wedding?not at all." (We don't blame her, honestly. Hasn't her sanity pride been damaged enough?)

Anyway, we knew from the start that if he actually did offer her an invitation, the only reason Kelsey would want her to come would be to rub it in watch their kids while he was busy getting hitched. However, turns out he didn't consult with his kids before planning the happy event because his daughter actually has something better to do that night else planned for the evening. Camille explains:

"My daughter has a talent show that day that she's been working on for two months now. I told her, 'Mason, you can go. Please, if you want to go to your Daddy's wedding, please do,' and she said, 'No, Mommy. I want to go to my talent show.'?I would never hold my children back from that. I would never want them to resent me for holding them back from their father's wedding."

She adds that she doesn't "begrudge" Kelsey his happiness and reveals their son, Jude, will be at the wedding.

Well, better get used to this arrangement. No doubt the kids will be splitting up between the two of you more often than either of you would really like.

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:00:40 +0000 Perez Hilton Jamie Foxx Glee Kesha Lea Michele Darren Criss alcoholdarren crissdrunkgleehuman leaguesong previews http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris

This week's Glee is all about getting DRUNK! WooHoo!

Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody!!!!

Take a listen to all the songs to be featured on next week's episode of Glee, approbs titled Blame It On The Alcohol. (above)

There's a bit of honky-tonk in there (BEISTE!), a little Ke- insert dollar sign-ha from Hemo, and oh yeah, a freakin' Human League number by Darren Criss and Lea Michele.

We don't think we need to say anything more than that.


]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:50:07 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Blake Lively Gossip Girl carrie bradshawchloe moretzdenieddrug addicthickmothermoviereportssex and the city http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick

We're happy to see her continuing to take on more serious roles!

Although Gossip Girl's Blake Lively has already denied reports that she would be playing a young Carrie Bradshaw in a prequel to the Sex & The City franchise, the actress confirmed recently that she has signed on to star in a new film, Hick, in which she will be playing the drug-addicted mother to a 13-year-old, played by the extremely talented Chloe Moretz!

Wow! It's great that she's challenging herself as an actress, but is she really going to be able to convince us that she's old enough to have an adolescent kid?!

We suppose we shall see!

What do U think?? Will Blake be able to pull this part off??

[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:40:11 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Sarah Jessica Parker adorbscarcomedyfamilylovemoneymovienycpicturessex and the citytogether http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set SJP and Greg Kinnear On Set

This movie sounds adorbs, and now that we have some pictures on set from I Don't Know How She Does It (being show in NYC), we can tell that it looks great too!!

The comedy is about Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the main money earner in her family of three! It looks like in the pictures that they're packing up their car for some kind of road trip!

We're pretty excited now! We LURVE Greg Kinnear, and of course you all know how we adore Sarah Jessica Parker as well!

Also, we talked a little bit earlier on Sarah and her plans for Sex and the City 3, so don't forget to check it out if you haven't yet!!

Ch-ch-check out the rest of the on set pics too!!

Will you be seeing Greg and SJP when they hit the screen together??

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:30:25 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Disney pHOtos! 3dcollodicreepydarkedgyfairy talegris grimlyguillermo del toroimagesjonathan taylor thomasjttmark gustafsonpans labyrinthpathepinocchiostop motionthe hobbitthe jim henson company http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film first images released from new pinocchiofirst images released from new pinocchio 2first images released from new pinocchio 3

Check out the first images (above) from the upcoming 3D, stop-motion Pinocchio movie.

Last we heard, Warner Bros was working on a live action version of the classic tale.

In the meanwhile, The Hobbit Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro has teamed up with The Jim Henson Company and Pathe on this edgy version of the Disney classic that draws heavily from a 2002 Pinocchio book, which was illustrated by Gris Grimly.

Grimly will co-direct with Mark Gustafson, and production will start up later this year.

Here's what del Toro had to say about the project:

?There has to be darkness in any fairy tale or children?s narrative work, something the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Walt Disney understood. We tend to call something Disney-fied, but a lot of people forget how powerfully disturbing the best animated Disney movies are, including those kids being turned into donkeys in Pinocchio. What we?re trying to do is present a Pinocchio that is more faithful to the take that Collodi wrote. That is more surreal and slightly darker than what we?ve seen before.?

More from del Toro:

"The Blue Fairy is really a dead girl?s spirit. Pinocchio has strange moments of lucid dreaming bordering on hallucinations, with black rabbits. The sperm whale that swallows Pinocchio was actually a giant dogfish, which allows for more classical scale and design. The many mishaps Pinocchio goes through include several near-death close calls, a lot more harrowing moments. The key with this is not making any of it feel gratuitous, because the story is integrated with moments of comedy and beauty. He?s one of the great characters, whose purity and innocence allows him to survive in this bleak landscape of robbers and thugs, emerging from the darkness with his soul intact.?

This is exactly what we'd expect from the guy who brought us Pan's Labyrinth, and we're feeling good about it!

Besides, it couldn't POSSIBLY be any worse than the 1996 Jonathan Taylor Thomas Pinocchio movie. Oh, JTT?

What do U think? Are U intrigued by this dark, creepy take on Pinocchio?

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:20:53 +0000 Perez Hilton Old People Goldie Hawn Stars Without Makeup lunchmakeupsanta monicasmile http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica goldie-hawn-out-to-lunch-in-santa-monica.jpg

Goldie Hawn was spotted yesterday having lunch at A Votre Sante restaurant in Santa Monica, California.

And by the looks of things, Goldie was out with little to no makeup on and somehow managed to look amazing.

Hard to believe she?s 65-years-old!

We?re not too sure what?s going on with that outfit though, but her face is looking flawless.

And judging by that smile we?re guessing she had a great lunch.

[Image via Ramey Pix.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:10:57 +0000 Perez Hilton TV News Jonas Brothers guest spotmatthew perrymr sunshinenick jonaspop star http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc

Not bad. Not such a stretch as far as characters go, but still, nice job!

Last night, Nick Jonas guest-starred as a bratty teen pop star on Matthew Perry's new show, Mr. Sunshine. Check out this clip from the show (above) in which Nick describes himself as someone who "wasn't parented property and [is] very rich. Apparently, this turns out to be a "brutal combination."

The real Nick Jonas would never act like this though?right?

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:50:51 +0000 Perez Hilton Music Minute Britney Spears Nicki Minaj awesomebrit britcollaborationestablishfemme fataleguest spother minajesty http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears

If this comes to fruition, we will absolutely lose it with joy!

Now that Nicki Minaj has essentially collaborated on tracks with half of today's music scene - including Kanye West, Drake, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, etc. - she's announced that will stop making guest appearances on other artists' tracks until she feels as though she's more established in the industry.

That is, unless it's our beloved Britney Jean Spears!

She explains:

"I'm done with collabs. No more collabs for the next two years. Although - Britney's a snatch like me and she's cute. Yes. We might do something."


This totally NEEDS to happen! Talk about the potential for a FIERCE track!

Go on, bb! Make it happen! There still may be time for you to sneak your way onto Femme Fatale!


[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:40:30 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers corpus christidirectoreli rothhorror filmsiraqproducerrichard kellysupermarketveteranwarwriter http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film

Having seen what these two minds are capable on their own, we are nervously excited for what they're going to come up with together!

Filmmaker Richard Kelly will reportedly be writing and directing a new horror film, along with Eli Roth producing, called Corpus Christi!

The flick is being described as a 'contemporary thriller' that will focus on "a mentally unstable Iraq war veteran?who forges a strange friendship with his boss?the wealthy and politically ambitious owner of a supermarket chain."

Strange plot for a horror flick! But we imagine it's going to become severely effed up pretty quickly!

Looking forward to seeing how this one develops!


[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:30:33 +0000 Perez Hilton Gay Gay Gay anti-gaybusinesscandidatechangechangesdonationgaymoneypolicypoliticaltargetwoman http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy Target And Target Dog Apologize

Remember last year when an outrage was heard over Target donating money that ended up being used to help an anti-gay candidate run for election in Minnestoa?

If not, this is what happened in a nutshell:

"Minneapolis-based Target, a retailer known for trendy but inexpensive merchandise, drew protests and boycott threats last year after it was revealed it had donated $150,000 to MN Forward, which in turn took out ads supporting Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Emmer, an opponent of marriage equality and other LGBT causes. He narrowly lost the November election to gay-friendly Democrat Mark Dayton."

Well Target has heard our issues with it and is putting a new committee into effect that will oversee the money they give out!

The source explains:

"Among the changes is the establishment of a committee of senior executives to oversee donations to candidates, parties, and political action committees."

?The policy committee and our CEO are responsible for balancing our business interests with any other considerations that may be important to our team members, our guests or other stakeholders."

Well that's good! We're DEF glad to see that you guys are making an effort to reflect the stances and wishes of the customers who felt negatively affected by this!

The source continues:

"[It was] emphasized that the retailer has donated to gay groups and events, such as Minnesota?s Project 515 and Twin Cities Pride, and that it plans to offer support to pride events in Chicago and San Francisco."

We're happy to see the progress!!

Keep it up, bbs!

Thoughts on this??

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy/feed/
Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez HiltonCamille Grammer Won't Be Attending Kelsey's WeddingBlame It On The Juice! We've Got New Glee Music For You!Blake Lively To Play Another Drug Addicted Mother!SJP And Greg Kinnear On Set!First Images Released From Upcoming 3D Stop-Motion Pinocchio MovieGoldie Hawn Is One Sexy Grandma LadyNick Jonas Shines On Mr. SunshineNo More Collaborating For Her Minajesty - Unless It's Brit Brit!Eli Roth And Richard Kelly Team Up For Horror Flick!Target's Giving Policy To Change

http://perezhilton.com Perez Hilton Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:50:05 GMT http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.10 en http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:30:43 +0000 Perez Hilton Love Line Real Housewives camille grammerdaughterkelsey grammerwedding http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding camille-grammer-kelsey-wedding.jpg

We had heard that she was invited to the nuptials, but it turns out she wasn't, which is totes fine by her!

Camille Grammer has formally denied rumors that she'll be attending Kelsey Grammer's wedding to his new wife in the coming weeks. She confirmed to sources that she has no interest in being "involved with the wedding?not at all." (We don't blame her, honestly. Hasn't her sanity pride been damaged enough?)

Anyway, we knew from the start that if he actually did offer her an invitation, the only reason Kelsey would want her to come would be to rub it in watch their kids while he was busy getting hitched. However, turns out he didn't consult with his kids before planning the happy event because his daughter actually has something better to do that night else planned for the evening. Camille explains:

"My daughter has a talent show that day that she's been working on for two months now. I told her, 'Mason, you can go. Please, if you want to go to your Daddy's wedding, please do,' and she said, 'No, Mommy. I want to go to my talent show.'?I would never hold my children back from that. I would never want them to resent me for holding them back from their father's wedding."

She adds that she doesn't "begrudge" Kelsey his happiness and reveals their son, Jude, will be at the wedding.

Well, better get used to this arrangement. No doubt the kids will be splitting up between the two of you more often than either of you would really like.

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-camille-grammer-wont-be-attending-kelseys-grammer-wedding/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:00:40 +0000 Perez Hilton Jamie Foxx Glee Kesha Lea Michele Darren Criss alcoholdarren crissdrunkgleehuman leaguesong previews http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris

This week's Glee is all about getting DRUNK! WooHoo!

Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody!!!!

Take a listen to all the songs to be featured on next week's episode of Glee, approbs titled Blame It On The Alcohol. (above)

There's a bit of honky-tonk in there (BEISTE!), a little Ke- insert dollar sign-ha from Hemo, and oh yeah, a freakin' Human League number by Darren Criss and Lea Michele.

We don't think we need to say anything more than that.


]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-glee-music-previews-blame-it-on-the-alcohol-lea-michele-darren-criss-heather-morris/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:50:07 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Blake Lively Gossip Girl carrie bradshawchloe moretzdenieddrug addicthickmothermoviereportssex and the city http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick

We're happy to see her continuing to take on more serious roles!

Although Gossip Girl's Blake Lively has already denied reports that she would be playing a young Carrie Bradshaw in a prequel to the Sex & The City franchise, the actress confirmed recently that she has signed on to star in a new film, Hick, in which she will be playing the drug-addicted mother to a 13-year-old, played by the extremely talented Chloe Moretz!

Wow! It's great that she's challenging herself as an actress, but is she really going to be able to convince us that she's old enough to have an adolescent kid?!

We suppose we shall see!

What do U think?? Will Blake be able to pull this part off??

[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-blake-lively-to-play-a-drug-addict-in-mother-hick/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:40:11 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Sarah Jessica Parker adorbscarcomedyfamilylovemoneymovienycpicturessex and the citytogether http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set SJP and Greg Kinnear On Set

This movie sounds adorbs, and now that we have some pictures on set from I Don't Know How She Does It (being show in NYC), we can tell that it looks great too!!

The comedy is about Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the main money earner in her family of three! It looks like in the pictures that they're packing up their car for some kind of road trip!

We're pretty excited now! We LURVE Greg Kinnear, and of course you all know how we adore Sarah Jessica Parker as well!

Also, we talked a little bit earlier on Sarah and her plans for Sex and the City 3, so don't forget to check it out if you haven't yet!!

Ch-ch-check out the rest of the on set pics too!!

Will you be seeing Greg and SJP when they hit the screen together??

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-sarah-and-greg-on-set/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:30:25 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers Disney pHOtos! 3dcollodicreepydarkedgyfairy talegris grimlyguillermo del toroimagesjonathan taylor thomasjttmark gustafsonpans labyrinthpathepinocchiostop motionthe hobbitthe jim henson company http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film first images released from new pinocchiofirst images released from new pinocchio 2first images released from new pinocchio 3

Check out the first images (above) from the upcoming 3D, stop-motion Pinocchio movie.

Last we heard, Warner Bros was working on a live action version of the classic tale.

In the meanwhile, The Hobbit Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro has teamed up with The Jim Henson Company and Pathe on this edgy version of the Disney classic that draws heavily from a 2002 Pinocchio book, which was illustrated by Gris Grimly.

Grimly will co-direct with Mark Gustafson, and production will start up later this year.

Here's what del Toro had to say about the project:

?There has to be darkness in any fairy tale or children?s narrative work, something the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Walt Disney understood. We tend to call something Disney-fied, but a lot of people forget how powerfully disturbing the best animated Disney movies are, including those kids being turned into donkeys in Pinocchio. What we?re trying to do is present a Pinocchio that is more faithful to the take that Collodi wrote. That is more surreal and slightly darker than what we?ve seen before.?

More from del Toro:

"The Blue Fairy is really a dead girl?s spirit. Pinocchio has strange moments of lucid dreaming bordering on hallucinations, with black rabbits. The sperm whale that swallows Pinocchio was actually a giant dogfish, which allows for more classical scale and design. The many mishaps Pinocchio goes through include several near-death close calls, a lot more harrowing moments. The key with this is not making any of it feel gratuitous, because the story is integrated with moments of comedy and beauty. He?s one of the great characters, whose purity and innocence allows him to survive in this bleak landscape of robbers and thugs, emerging from the darkness with his soul intact.?

This is exactly what we'd expect from the guy who brought us Pan's Labyrinth, and we're feeling good about it!

Besides, it couldn't POSSIBLY be any worse than the 1996 Jonathan Taylor Thomas Pinocchio movie. Oh, JTT?

What do U think? Are U intrigued by this dark, creepy take on Pinocchio?

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-first-images-released-from-new-3d-stop-motion-pinocchio-film/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:20:53 +0000 Perez Hilton Old People Goldie Hawn Stars Without Makeup lunchmakeupsanta monicasmile http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica goldie-hawn-out-to-lunch-in-santa-monica.jpg

Goldie Hawn was spotted yesterday having lunch at A Votre Sante restaurant in Santa Monica, California.

And by the looks of things, Goldie was out with little to no makeup on and somehow managed to look amazing.

Hard to believe she?s 65-years-old!

We?re not too sure what?s going on with that outfit though, but her face is looking flawless.

And judging by that smile we?re guessing she had a great lunch.

[Image via Ramey Pix.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-goldie-hawn-grabs-some-lunch-in-santa-monica/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:10:57 +0000 Perez Hilton TV News Jonas Brothers guest spotmatthew perrymr sunshinenick jonaspop star http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc

Not bad. Not such a stretch as far as characters go, but still, nice job!

Last night, Nick Jonas guest-starred as a bratty teen pop star on Matthew Perry's new show, Mr. Sunshine. Check out this clip from the show (above) in which Nick describes himself as someone who "wasn't parented property and [is] very rich. Apparently, this turns out to be a "brutal combination."

The real Nick Jonas would never act like this though?right?

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nick-jonas-on-mr-sunshine-abc/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:50:51 +0000 Perez Hilton Music Minute Britney Spears Nicki Minaj awesomebrit britcollaborationestablishfemme fataleguest spother minajesty http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears

If this comes to fruition, we will absolutely lose it with joy!

Now that Nicki Minaj has essentially collaborated on tracks with half of today's music scene - including Kanye West, Drake, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, etc. - she's announced that will stop making guest appearances on other artists' tracks until she feels as though she's more established in the industry.

That is, unless it's our beloved Britney Jean Spears!

She explains:

"I'm done with collabs. No more collabs for the next two years. Although - Britney's a snatch like me and she's cute. Yes. We might do something."


This totally NEEDS to happen! Talk about the potential for a FIERCE track!

Go on, bb! Make it happen! There still may be time for you to sneak your way onto Femme Fatale!


[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-nicki-minaj-wont-guest-on-tracks-unless-its-britney-spears/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:40:30 +0000 Perez Hilton Film Flickers corpus christidirectoreli rothhorror filmsiraqproducerrichard kellysupermarketveteranwarwriter http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film

Having seen what these two minds are capable on their own, we are nervously excited for what they're going to come up with together!

Filmmaker Richard Kelly will reportedly be writing and directing a new horror film, along with Eli Roth producing, called Corpus Christi!

The flick is being described as a 'contemporary thriller' that will focus on "a mentally unstable Iraq war veteran?who forges a strange friendship with his boss?the wealthy and politically ambitious owner of a supermarket chain."

Strange plot for a horror flick! But we imagine it's going to become severely effed up pretty quickly!

Looking forward to seeing how this one develops!


[Images via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-eli-roth-and-richard-kelly-collaborating-on-horror-film/feed/ http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy#respond Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:30:33 +0000 Perez Hilton Gay Gay Gay anti-gaybusinesscandidatechangechangesdonationgaymoneypolicypoliticaltargetwoman http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy Target And Target Dog Apologize

Remember last year when an outrage was heard over Target donating money that ended up being used to help an anti-gay candidate run for election in Minnestoa?

If not, this is what happened in a nutshell:

"Minneapolis-based Target, a retailer known for trendy but inexpensive merchandise, drew protests and boycott threats last year after it was revealed it had donated $150,000 to MN Forward, which in turn took out ads supporting Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Emmer, an opponent of marriage equality and other LGBT causes. He narrowly lost the November election to gay-friendly Democrat Mark Dayton."

Well Target has heard our issues with it and is putting a new committee into effect that will oversee the money they give out!

The source explains:

"Among the changes is the establishment of a committee of senior executives to oversee donations to candidates, parties, and political action committees."

?The policy committee and our CEO are responsible for balancing our business interests with any other considerations that may be important to our team members, our guests or other stakeholders."

Well that's good! We're DEF glad to see that you guys are making an effort to reflect the stances and wishes of the customers who felt negatively affected by this!

The source continues:

"[It was] emphasized that the retailer has donated to gay groups and events, such as Minnesota?s Project 515 and Twin Cities Pride, and that it plans to offer support to pride events in Chicago and San Francisco."

We're happy to see the progress!!

Keep it up, bbs!

Thoughts on this??

[Image via WENN.]

]]> http://perezhilton.com/2011-02-17-target-changes-giving-policy/feed/

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